(for Maisey who sang the song, and for Steve who wrote it)
in the stage's half-dark silence, The singer and the song
her voice taking wing, That's what we've become
she invited the music to dance - When you play and when we sing along
voice, melody  They're the songs that give us life
flowing, enfolding each other, Don't we have the right to ask for one more song?
soaring the octave
they sauntered the scale "The Singer and the Song" (written by Steve Schalchlin)
from soft sigh to a snarling embrace © 1997 See No Evil Music and Lil Shack 'O Tunes
the notes, breathless frenzy All rights reserved. Used by Permission.
the notes, lingered touch
drenched in the melody, 
cascading the keys 
the rhythm's taut rush 
holding sway in their harmony's faith
and time ceased its hold
and gave itself to the beat. 
Intertwined, their caress of 
the melody, breath, 
the singer, the song
became one 
with us breathless, enthralled.
her voice, urgent shove
her voice, soft caress
her voice, the scale of the heart
She was the music, 
she sang us our life
in the lights' tones of red and deep blue
the warmth of skin touching,
of eyes having found, 
of hands reaching one for another
the beat of the song, our heart -
she sang who we were 
we belonged, we were one,
with this moment, 
the singer and song.
© Jon Bohrn (1999)


sunsets - Winter '99 tribute to Michele Mais' performance in The Last Session and Bandido  



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(left to right: Michele "Maisey" Mais, Amy Coleman, Bob Stillman).

The above material contains references to The Last Session, a new musical. Book by Jim Brochu and music by Steve Schalchlin. "The Singer and the Song" (written by Steve Schalchlin) © 1997 See No Evil Music and Lil Shack 'O Tunes. All rights reserved. Used by Permission.